The History & Importance of Cel Shading

Cel shading is a popular computer rendering technique in the animation industry, especially for projects that draw inspiration from Japanese manga as well as cartoons.

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Is It Difficult to Make a Video Game?

In a nutshell, yes. The process of creating a video game is intricate. Despite the many beginnings, few projects have made it to fruition. Fixing

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The History of Video Games

Video gaming has become one of the most lucrative industries and popular mediums for consumers on the planet. Last year, the global video game industry

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How To Play Scrabble Like a Champion

The year was 1933 when unemployed American architect Alfred Mosher Butts became a word game visionary. Hailing from Poughkeepsie, New York, he invented a game


How To Install Mods For GTA 5 On A PC

During the release of GTA 5, Rockstar Games ensured that gamers would have plenty to get excited about. And when releasing GTA 5, the developers

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10 Best Overwatch 2 Players in The World

Which professional players have the potential to be the best Overwatch 2 competitors in the world soon after its official release? Well, there are quite

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Cozy Games to Play Now in 2022

Cozy Games are like concentrated doses of treatment. They have therapeutic benefits similar to coloring books and might be used as a substitute. The gameplay


What are Crypto Games?

Cryptocurrency has gathered a wealth of notoriety in a brief period, thanks to the development of advanced blockchain networks that are improving the industry as


What Are Hitboxes in Gaming?

The vast majority of modern video games are physics clones. Making the world seem genuine is essential for every 3D game designer, from the most


5 Online Games Everyone is Playing

For those looking to blow off steam after a long hard day at work, what better way than hopping onto your favorite game to play

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Steam Deck: Everything You Need to Know

Yes, at long last, we have arrived at the steam deck! The Steam Deck, developed by Valve, is among the decade’s most consequential game developers,

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Best Pocket Friendly Gaming Rigs

As teenagers and students, we all have restricted budgets, and as more individuals get into gaming, gear costs are only going to go up. The