online gaming

How Has Technology Changed Online Gaming

Every aspect of a consumer’s life has been transformed by technology. There are currently over 4.4 billion internet users worldwide. To put it another way,

Privacy Policy

Why Every Website Needs A Privacy Policy Page?

You might have heard, how insecure is everybody nowadays and people are trying everything to protect their privacy especially online. A website or an application


Everything You need to know about Usenet

As mentioned in our last article, Usenet predates Facebook and Instagram and while Usenet can function as a social network, Usenet in 2021, currently is best


What Is reCAPTCHA? Everything You Need to Know

A free Google tool, reCAPTCHA, helps websites prevent spam and abuse through differentiating between real visitors and automated bots. It is a more sophisticated variant

What is WebP? Wordpress Guide

Guide to WordPress: What Is WebP Format?

Having a WordPress or any website that loads quickly is undoubtedly every webmaster’s dream come true. Using pictures in the WebP format is one of

satellite internet.jpg

How Does Satellite Internet Work?

Is it the first time you’ve heard the term “satellite internet?” Ever wondered how satellite internet works and why it’s so expensive to use? We

what is 5g?

What is 5G? Benefits and Uses of 5G

5G is a relatively new technology, having been introduced after 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G. 5G technology allows us to create a network of machines

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What Are The Advantages Of 3D Printing?

3D printing has been popular in the business for many years, and the benefits it provides have prompted individuals to make the most of this