Active Attack Cybersecurity

What is an Active Attack in Cybersecurity?

An active attack is characterized by a deliberate attempt on a network or system already in progress, wherein the adversary introduces or modifies data to

Software Piracy

What is Software Piracy?

To commit software piracy, you must first get permission from the software’s owner before using, copying, or distributing it in any way. As a result,

Crypto Malware

What is a Crypto Malware?

A kind of malware known as crypto-malware allows threat actors to mine cryptocurrency on the computers or servers of others. Since 2017, it’s grown in

Twofish Encryption

What is Twofish Encryption?

Twofish encryption is 128-bit block encryption with a key up to 256 bits long (or an encryption method in layman’s terms). To make things simpler,