3 Risks of Technology the World Faces Today

Technological advancement in the previous several decades has been phenomenal, and for good reason. Everywhere in the world, people are undergoing a digital transition and


Is The Future Cheap Because of Technology?

The cost of technology has increased significantly in recent years. Having the newest and best of everything is pricey, either we’re referring to the most


Tremendous Technological Advances in Our Time

Unprecedented technological advancements are taking place as we speak. Foremost among the innovations are significant advances in AI technology. The wild developments in video conferencing

tech strategy

Why Your Tech Strategy is All Wrong?

While experts have proclaimed that every company is a tech company; business leaders often miss the point. Mainly if the technology is not embraced as


Why Should You Embrace Virtualization?

One of the most significant barriers to achieving an efficient digital transformation in most companies is their current IT infrastructure. Their tech might be outdated,

Tech innovations in healthcare 2018

5 Cool Healthcare Tech Innovations in 2018

It’s more than halfway into the year 2018, and a plethora of innovations have been seen in several scientific domains. Healthcare has not been left

blockchain programmer

How Technology is Forcing the Evolution of Forex

The forex industry has undergone significant changes in recent years, as the online trading of commodities and currencies continues to rise in popularity. As such, the