Why Is My Internet So Slow at Night?

Internet slowing down at night is a common problem many internet users experience. Especially if you love gaming or streaming at night, you’ll experience a sudden slowdown because of the lags and buffering. If you’re one of the many individuals who are experiencing this, don’t worry because we’re here to help you determine the potential causes of this issue and how you can resolve them. Let’s begin!

What Causes Internet Slowdown at Night?

Regardless of internet plans or providers, this issue is inevitable. The most common cause of internet slowdown at night is network congestion. At night, most people are at their own homes streaming their favorite shows or movies, watching videos on different social media platforms, video calling friends and families, playing online games, and so much more.

If you’re living in the metro, you’re likely sharing your internet connection with many others in your area, all of whom are competing for bandwidth. This increased demand can overwhelm the capacity of the local network infrastructure, leading to slower internet speeds for everyone connected to it. But of course, this is not always the case. Here are other potential causes of internet slowdown at night:

  • Internet Service Provider (ISP) Throttling
  • Outdated Router
  • High Demand for Streaming Services
  • Weather Conditions
  • VPN Connection

How to Prevent My Internet from Slowing Down at Night

All of the factors above combined can slow down your internet at night, but there are still various ways to address this issue so you can enjoy your online activities regardless of the time. Based on our research, here are the top ways to fix this issue:

1. Check for ISP Throttling

There are many reliable internet providers out there, but some of them practice throttling to control the demand during peak hours. Throttling involves intentionally slowing down internet speeds for certain types of traffic or users to alleviate strain on the network. If you suspect that your ISP is throttling your connection during peak hours, don’t hesitate to contact your ISP and monitor your connection to see if there are any improvements. If not, consider switching to a different internet provider.

2. Schedule Downloads and Updates

If you have your downloads and updates scheduled to occur automatically, they may be consuming a significant portion of your available bandwidth during peak hours, contributing to internet slowdown. You can prevent this from happening by manually scheduling downloads and updates for off-peak times when network congestion is lower. Most operating systems and software applications allow you to specify the time for updates and downloads to occur. This way, the updates and downloads won’t add more strain to your internet connection.

3. Optimize Your WiFi Network

Sometimes, it could be that your WiFi isn’t optimized enough for efficient performance during peak hours. Even though you or your neighborhood has the best wireless providers, if the issue is within your home’s setup, you won’t be able to maximize your internet connection.

There are various ways to optimize your network, and it all starts with your router. Your router must be placed in the right place within your home to ensure optimal coverage and signal strength. Position it in a central location away from obstructions such as walls, furniture, and electronic devices that can interfere with the Wi-Fi signal.

4. Limit Background Activities

Background activities can significantly affect your internet connection, so it’s best to limit them during peak hours. In mobile, make sure to close unnecessary applications that are running in the background to lessen the strain on your internet connection. It’s similar to computers and laptops. It would help to close unused tabs and software that are unnecessary.

5. Upgrade Your Internet Connection or Switch ISPs

If your internet connection doesn’t improve, it might be time to upgrade your existing internet plan or switch to a better internet provider. Chances are your internet provider is underperforming or your current internet plan isn’t enough for your online activities. Make sure to assess your usage and check if you’re receiving the right service for what you’re paying for.

Final Thoughts

It’s important to be proactive and explore different solutions until you find what works best for you. These tips can help you enjoy a smoother and more consistent internet connection that allows you to make the most of your online activities even during peak hours. But don’t resort to upgrading your internet plan or switching to a different ISP immediately because that comes with an added cost that you might not be ready for. Good luck!