web hosting

5 Myths to Know about Web Hosting

Despite the fact that it’s essential for many online companies, web hosting remains to be something of a mysterious topic for many people across the

Indie Gaming

Top 6 Indie Gaming Trends That Will Be Big

There often seems to be a distinct divide between the so-called corporate games released by major distribution companies and the smaller, homegrown games that are

Interesting C programming tricks

10 Most Interesting C Programming Tricks

In this article, I am going to share some rare tricks of the C programming language. To be honest, I collected those tricks from various

internet economy

Evading impediments of the internet economy

More than ever before, there is an inextricable relationship between the business and the internet. It would not unfounded to state that business and the

Mobile Gaming Trends

Mobile Gaming Trends for 2016

Mobile gaming is an ever-evolving part of the gaming industry and is often seen as the future. The devices we find so easy to carry