Why Do Apple’s AirPods Only Come In White?

Recently, Apple has introduced new, innovative products that deviate from the company’s usual style, such as the 24-inch iMac as well as the AirPods Max.

px Tokyo by night

Why Uber Failed in Japan

In 2014, Uber’s operation in Japan officially launched. The first fear was that it would cause havoc in the taxi industry in Japan. Uber has


3 Risks of Technology the World Faces Today

Technological advancement in the previous several decades has been phenomenal, and for good reason. Everywhere in the world, people are undergoing a digital transition and

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Why Everybody Hates the Metaverse

The reaction to Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement that Facebook will be rebranded as Meta and enter the metaverse was muted at best. A large number of

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Four Best Features In WordPress 6.1

In a few days,WordPress 6.1 in its final, stable form will be made available to the public. The publication is scheduled on November 1, 2022.

calendar change password

How often Should One Change Its Password?

This month of October is dedicated to bringing attention to the issue of cyber security. Cybersecurity month encourages everyone to review their internet security measures

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Ways To Rank-up your WordPress site

When your WordPress website launches, you’ll want as many eyes on it as possible. You want to educate and entice readers so that they would

VR Technology

What Is Virtual Tourism?

Your future vacations may look quite different thanks to the rise of virtual tourism. This breakthrough will have far-reaching effects on the international tourism sector. 

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Best Linux Distros To Use This Year

I’ve been using Linux for nearly seven years, and I can tell you that it’s always evolving. There will always be a distro that outshines

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Cozy Games to Play Now in 2022

Cozy Games are like concentrated doses of treatment. They have therapeutic benefits similar to coloring books and might be used as a substitute. The gameplay

Hacking back cover

Debunking Some Biggest Myths About Hacking

Hackers in Hollywood blockbusters are often portrayed as lonesome predators who spend their days in a dark room eating pizza and being nasty. The act


What are Crypto Games?

Cryptocurrency has gathered a wealth of notoriety in a brief period, thanks to the development of advanced blockchain networks that are improving the industry as