Best Linux Distros To Use This Year

I’ve been using Linux for nearly seven years, and I can tell you that it’s always evolving. There will always be a distro that outshines the current market leader. We have witnessed so many developments in the open-source world that discussing them all would need its own post. The revised look of the gnome, the distinctiveness of KDE, and the steadily improving quality of all distribution releases are just a few examples.

1. Pop OS

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This edition provides the greatest degree of freedom while working with Linux. The project uses GNOME as its personal desktop environment, but has hijacked it and developed its unique desktop environment, which they have dubbed “Cosmic Desktop,” but this is just the outset. The programmers have been upfront about the reasons they are creating their own DE: they are unhappy with GNOME and its concept of the user interface. I can’t wait to check out the next version of pure cosmic desktop and write a review.

2. Elementary OS


This distro’s creators make no secret of their desire to mimic Mac OS in every way possible. But… Themes and icons are still modified in several ways to give them a distinctive appearance. There are Mac-like elements in the distribution’s design, however, it’s not a direct copy. Functionality like preview, windows snap, and the ability to transition between different sessions are available in Elementary OS, but customizable wallpapers, efficient macOS components such as the topbar, the dock, and so much more.

3. Endeavor OS

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Keeping things simple and uncluttered is a priority for this Linux distro. There are a few programs included, such as a welcome application, but aside from that, it enables you to run Arch in its most pristine form. If you’re unfamiliar with Arch, you should know that it has a pure CUI and requires you to do all installation and configuration tasks via the console.

4. Manjaro

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Manjaro is the greatest Arch-based distro, and it has three desktop environments (DEs) to choose from. There are a few different desktop environments, including XFCE, GNOME, and KDE. All of the mentioned desktop environments are fantastic, each catering to a somewhat different aesthetic preference. Although GNOME is my preferred desktop environment, I find that XFCE works best with Manjaro since it can be modified to a great extent without being so highly tweaked that it becomes unusable. I like it because of its central location. It’s basically Ubuntu, albeit it’s built on Arch and given a spruce up with the Manjaro green theme.

Since I’m more of a point-release man who likes variety, I don’t utilize it owing to its rolling distribution. Ok… If I had to pick between this and Fedora, which is pretty much a tie, I’d use whatever was handed to me. They both succeed in their respective roles but go in opposite directions.