Tesla Will Be Calling Back 360,000 Electric Vehicles

Because of problems with the industry’s self-driving technology, Tesla is presently withdrawing over 363,000 electric cars. An notification made by US regulators suggests that many Tesla cars’ self-driving mode poses a danger of collisions.

Delivery dates between 2016 and 2023 are included in the scope of this recall. Therefore, it impacts Model S, Model 3, Model X, and Model Y Tesla electric cars. According to AFP, the vehicles include “Full Self-Driving Beta” technology.

This looks to be something that Tesla will do through a software patch that will be sent out to all of their vehicles. But, until then, it is risky to rely on driverless navigation in these cars.


The National Highway Traffic Safety Agency issued a warning that the flaw in Tesla’s self-driving technology “may possibly trespass against local traffic regulations or norms, which might raise the chance of an accident if the operator does not act” (NHTSA).

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) warned Tesla in a statement that its self-driving software “may enable the vehicle to behave dangerously near intersections” by, among other things, ignoring stop signs, proceeding forward in a turn-only zone, and jumping an orange light.

Stock of Tesla dropped by 5% when the news was released. CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, appeared to dismiss the problem on Twitter, concurring with a commenter who stated the term “recall” should not be used for faults that can be readily rectified without maintenance. “The word’recall’ for a digital software upgrade is archaic and just flat incorrect!,” Musk tweeted.

After accidents, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is evaluating Tesla’s “autopilot” technology, which the company unveiled last month. Among Musk’s numerous broken promises in 2019 was that the firm would be able to manufacture a fully driverless car in a year.