How to use Plus Codes in Google Maps?

Google Maps is used by millions of people every day all across the world. While most people use the Google Maps link to a location or just share their position over WhatsApp, there is another way to share any Google Maps location. It’s known as Google Maps Plus Codes.

Keep reading this article till the end to know everything about Google Maps Plus Codes.

What are Plus Codes?

Google described Plus Codes as being identical to street addresses on a support page. They can assist customers in obtaining and employing a basic digital address that can be shared across all messaging services, including WhatsApp, Instagram, and Google Messages. Here is the Plus Code for a location in Seattle: “JJXX+HR8, Seattle.” Plus Codes are based on the geographic address of a location, i.e. the intersection point of the latitude and longitude. The Plus Code can be retrieved through Google Maps, and individuals who receive them can also search for them on Google Maps.

How to share any location’s Plus Codes?

Open Google Maps on your iOS or Android device. Locate the location where the Plus Code will be distributed. To set a pin on the map, touch and hold the screen on the spot. Open the ‘Dropped Pin’ tab at the bottom of the screen. Find the Plus Code for the location and tap and hold to copy it to the clipboard. Copy the Plus Code and send it to the relevant person using a messaging program.

How to share the current location’s Plus Codes?

Launch Google Maps and tap the blue dot to see your current position. Find the Plus Codes for the location at the bottom of the screen. Click on the Plus Code to copy a location’s code. Paste the Plus Code into a messaging app and send it to the appropriate person.

How to find a Plus Code location?

On any Android or iOS device, you just need to paste the Plus Code on the Search bar of Google Maps. It will show you the exact place instantly.

Advantages of Using Plus Codes

One of the striking benefits of Plus Codes is their universality. Unlike traditional addresses, which may be complex or difficult to decipher for those unfamiliar with a particular region, Plus Codes provide a simple and standardized way to share locations. This can be particularly helpful for tourists or international travelers.

Another significant advantage is privacy. If you wish to share your location without disclosing personal information or detailed addresses, Plus Codes offer a way to do this. You can share a Plus Code without necessarily revealing your home or business address, adding an extra layer of privacy.

They are also quite beneficial in areas where formal street addresses may not exist, such as rural or developing regions. By using Plus Codes, residents and visitors in these areas can share specific locations with ease.

Potential Drawbacks and Considerations

While Plus Codes offer many advantages, users should be aware of potential drawbacks. For instance, while they provide a way to share locations without disclosing detailed addresses, recipients of the Plus Code must have access to Google Maps or a compatible service to use them. Additionally, they may not be as intuitive for all users, particularly those not familiar with this feature.

Usage in Emergency Situations

Google Maps Plus Codes can be valuable in emergency situations, such as natural disasters or medical emergencies. By providing a Plus Code, an individual can pinpoint their exact location to emergency services. This could significantly reduce response times and potentially save lives.

Business Applications

Businesses can also leverage Plus Codes in various ways. They can use them in advertising to help potential customers find their locations. Plus Codes can be included on business cards, flyers, or social media profiles, providing a direct link to the physical location of the business. Moreover, delivery services may use them to ensure precise delivery points.


Now you can easily share your location with your friends or anyone else. Just a few clicks you need. However, if you still have any questions let us know in the comment section below.