How Budget 2022 Impacts Gaming Industry in India

Indian Union Budget for the fiscal year 2022-23 came to an end and brought with it some very interesting new additions to the way India will move ahead this year. But what was in it for gamers? Union Budget had something which will make gamers life easier and we bring you a highlight and breakdown on Gaming for this year’s budget.

Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming, and Comics(AVGC)

gaming accessories

A task force will be launched to recommend steps to promote Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming, and Comic sectors and for serving their markets. With this, gaming will be realized as an industry and the domestic status of professional gamers and gaming content creators will be alleviated.

Datacenter got the status as Infrastructure

Data Center

The Datacenters, along with the energy storage sector, will be designated the status of Infrastructure. The status will provide the data center and energy sector access to foreign funding through the external commercial borrowing route.

So what does it mean for gamers? Well, data centers will get more funding and will now be able to get credit at competitive rates & on a long-term basis with enhanced limits. This means more gaming servers will pop up around the country leading to stable and reliable connections for games.

Mobile phones got cheaper

VR gaming cartoon

Mobile gaming will be getting even more accessible after Budget 2022. With the reduction in duty on parts of mobile phones, it will be cheaper to manufacture phones in India. This will lead to brands like Xiaomi, Realme, Apple, Samsung, Oppo, OnePlus, and Vivo, among others, having cheaper devices in all price ranges. Mobile gamers will now be able to enjoy high-fidelity gaming and won’t have to break their pockets in doing so.

Telecom sector

Mobile connected to cloud

Spectrum auctions will be conducted in 2022 for 5G rollout. This indicates 5G connection options will soon be available for us common folks, 5G connection won’t be a dream anymore. Gamers will now be able to enjoy their gaming with blistering fast 5G speeds.

For people living in rural areas, enhanced broadband services will be a priority in rural areas. This initiative aims to provide every household in rural areas has connections matching to those in urban cities. Now rural folks who want to enter into the gaming culture but lacked basic internet can finally join the rest.