Aeromobil: The Flying Car

Technological advancement should keep its proportion with nature. The technology that goes with the nature is true progress in essence.  Recently we have quite forgotten this point. The major threats our mother earth is facing is over exploitation, over population, global warming and many more. With the increase in birth rate and a steady decline in mortality rate ( again due to technological advancement in the field of medical science ) we have come to a situation where the earth is burdened with our weight. And one thing that has been greatly hampered due to this is traffic on the roads. Nearly 75% of the human population has a car and it causes great chaos in cities. We have always imagined future as completely hi-tech with robots roaming everywhere, automatic sideways and obviously flying cars. So to solve the current traffic congestion problem and bring the futuristic dream of flying cars to life, we now have aeromobil.

Aeromobil is a “flying car” that perfectly makes use of existing infrastructure created for automobiles and planes, and opens doors to real door-to-door travel. In terms of automobile configuration, it fits to a standard parking space, its engine enables it to tank at any gas station, it is fully accustomed to road traffic and as a plane it could both take off and land at any airport in the world. With its ambition to become a real “flying car”, the current version – Aeromobil 2.5 is a prototype of the third generation. Aeromobil 3 is stylish, comfortable for both the driver and passenger, and exceptionally combines the performance of a sports car with qualities of an ultralight. The Aeromobil has been gestating since 1990, its design moving from a simple flying wing with vestigial wheels to what resembles a super car with considerable flight capabilities.

The founders of the Slovakian company Aeromobil, who grew up behind the Iron Curtain dreaming of freedoms in the West, say their flying car offers the possibility of further liberation. “Currently we are in the very same situation when it comes to traffic,” said Stefan Vadocz, the company’s head of communications.  The aviation aspects seem to be prominent in the design, with a streamlined cockpit, super light weight, and sleek tail fins in the back. Propulsion is provided by a 100 hp Rotax 912 water cooled engine mounted behind the seats, with drive shafts leading both aft to the propeller and forward to the two front wheels for driving. Built from light-weight steel framework and carbon coating, when converted into a plane, the vehicle measures 8.2m wide and 6m long to accommodate two people. When the wings are stowed (pictured) it measures 1.6m wide. This project is not the only flying car around. There is also the US-based Terrafugia, which folds up its wings vertically on the sides of the vehicle. There is also a Dutch design called the PAL-V, where the ground vehicle is a three wheeled tilting motorcycle that turns into a gyrocopter at the airport. We are soon going to need some traffic light up in the air too. Have a look at this video: