3 Technology Trends That’ll Be Huge In 2022

Although we were in the midst of a worldwide epidemic, 2021 was an important year for innovation and technology. Fast forward to the future and now we’re in 2022 with some high aspirations for improved technology, as seen by the significant advancements in chipsets, more discussion of the metaverse, and, of course, the widespread use of cryptocurrency. Let’s get started, shall we? I’d like to offer some predictions about what kinds of technological trends will continue to expand in 2022 and perhaps beyond.

1. VR/AR Platforms

Technology Trends

Having Meta, Sony, and Microsoft all working on new VR/AR platforms, I’m certain that we’ll see more and more revolutionary innovations emerge in the future. Virtual reality (VR) equipment will need to become affordable and more capable as the Metaverse progresses. Despite my belief that virtual reality (VR) would keep expanding, I believe augmented reality (AR) will take center stage in the next year. And with all the eatery menus relying on QR codes, COVID-19 established that trend.

2. Tablets


Indeed, there are two schools of thinking on this. Either you’ve never heard of this before, or it makes absolute sense to you. However, tablets have been around for many years, and many of the early PDA devices might be said to have been forerunners of today’s tablets. As a result of this, I am certain that tablets will gain significant traction over the next couple of years. Screens that can be folded up and stored away.

Currently, available folding handsets are not ideal; they still feature a wrinkle in the center and lack the kind of sturdiness we’ve come to expect from smartphones in general. On the other hand, they’re quite fascinating. Honestly, why would you pick between a little one-handed gadget and a computer on the scale of 2009? Why not have it both ways? Honestly, I wouldn’t be shocked if the laptop industry begins to look quite a little unique in the next several years as a result of the growth of tablets!

3. Custom Silicon Domination


More and more companies are building and supplying their own unique silicon for their gadgets, such as Apple, Google, and Samsung. I’ll confess that I’m somewhat opposed to this notion, but I can also see the advantages and the reality that it will continue to pick up pace among all the technological firms launching new products. There are several advantages to developing software and hardware in tandem using bespoke silicon, such as smartphones, instead of relying on components that are already available.

When it comes to making phones seem like they’re running on a buttery smooth machine, Apple’s CPUs are the best in the business. In addition, these chips may also bring a lot of useful features to phones. They have been able to demonstrate significantly superior speech-to-text skills using Google’s own Tensor processor. Even if these bespoke alternatives do deliver personalized outcomes, they don’t quite meet the efficiency standards of the giants of TSMC or Qualcomm, however, the innovation is expected to evolve dramatically over the next several years.