This super helmet can let you see through walls!

The $400,000 super protective helmet accompanies the F-35 Gen III Helmet Mounted Display System (HDMS) and it is a standout amongst the most costly embellishments you will see. This $400,000 super head protector is intended for the most complex weapons air ship ever made: the F-35 Lightning II. These Lockheed Martin war machines are the world’s best and to compliment the pilot, a just as cutting edge headgear is required.


Composed by Rockwell Collins, this $400,000 super protective headgear empowers the pilot to see past the outside shell of the plane. The head protector utilizes DAS (Distributed Aperture System) live features from the top and back of the plane. The visuals of the pictures rely on upon the pilot’s head development permitting them to see as though the plane was straightforward.

The fundamental point of preference of the pilot inside the F-35 is that he will have the capacity to see the whole way across the air space with no block, in this manner, giving him an edge while taking unconstrained choices.


Some stunning abilities of this $400,000 super protective helmet include Biocular, 30×40-degree wide field of perspective with 100 percent cover, virtual heads-up presentation, look through airplane capacity by means of DAS symbolism, high precision following with auto bore locating and active commotion diminishment (ANR).

If you think this is over the mark edge technology then you also need to know that it also has digital night vision sensor and ejection ability to 550 KEAS which hitches comparable velocity, approximately 633 mph. Moreover it is lightweight and all around adjusted. It is also a custom head protector liner for exact fit and solace which provides multiple interpupillary separation (IPD) settings, along with video recording.

The F-35 Helmets are a stunning innovation and can be utilized as a part of different applications, for example, route, and scouting through an area with high traffic density.