WhatsApp on the web soon

WhatsApp is soon coming to the desktop. Making true of its earlier rumours that its going to show its presence on desktop official authorities made a statement about it. A new webpage web.whatsapp.com is live as a proof for it. “The primary use is of course still on your phone,” a spokesman said, “but there are people who spend time in front of a computer at home or at work and this will help bridge the two.”

You can connect you phone to the web and your messages on the web will be stores on your phone too. More flexibility is expected with this decision. According to the announcement they were planning to bring the same experience to iOS,although the timeframe is still unclear. The company said, “we really hope you find web client useful in your everyday lives.”

With more than 600 million users using WhatsApp it is one of the giant messaging app. With this announcement it boosted its users with its more flexibility ideas. In November, WhatsApp partnered with Whisper Systems for end-to-end encryption, bringing strong security to an unusually broad user base.