Ever since the graphics developed, movies have been portraying many gadgets that were of great use but could not invented. Movies have provided inspiration for many new inventions. Consider for example, Avatar, displayed an array of such advanced technology that humankind has not seen yet, but it has definitely rung bells in the mind of researchers to make it into the reality. One famous series of movies which has topped the mind of most movie fans in the Bond series. Yes, I am talking about the Casanova, the spy in disguise, the famous James Bond. Many typical gadgets were portrayed in this series. Like in the movie Never Say Never Again, we got a glimpse of a dead handy laser watch. Patrick Priebe was successful in developing a prototype almost more than a decade later.
The laser watch defines the new standards for the word ‘cool’. It is made of carbon fiber which makes it extremely light to wear and it’s drastically realist appearance to any watch conceals its true identity. This watch hides in itself an integrated 1,500- milliwatt laser which is blue in color. It looks super cool when lit just like those lasers we see in science fiction movies. The knowledge of building it has not been released, so if you want to have this you will have a hard time getting your hands on one, as the developers are thinking to produce a bunch and handing them out to only spy agencies. This watch is indeed going to live the ultimate James Bond dream.
Even though this watch has amazing features, but it has a big disadvantage. Its battery dies out in a wink. This is obvious as the battery has to support the activation of 1,500 milliwatt laser. The estimated time duration for which this watch is operable is about five to ten minutes only. So this watch must be saved until and unless you find yourself in a life threatening situation. And there is also the question of your own safety while using it. Regarding which Patrick says that if the laser beam touches the skin, a warm sensation will pass through, now the user has to be careful and sensible enough to stop pushing the button then. This is all the precautions you will need.
Patrick owns a company called Laser Gadgets, this laser watch is manufactured by his company only. It takes about 40-50 hours to build this watch from scratch and costs about $300 combined for all the components. Ladies this is an absolutely must have gadgets for you. It can protect you in almost any difficult situation you might face. The watch will soon be available on custom orders on its website. This is not the only laser invention of Patrick Priebe, his company has released many gadgets including a laser gun which shoots 1.4 watt blue laser. He also invented a gauntlet inspired from iron man series which shoots laser beam from palm. He was also successful in making the webshooting wrist wear inspired from spider man series.