Google X Introduces Project Wing – Instant Delivery Via Drone

After Amazon Prime , Now google is ready for their own drone delivery system. Google  X uploaded a video showing their concept of drone delivery which is looking more effective than amazon’s drone delivery program.

In the video, we watch as the Project Wing team travels to Queensland, Australia where test flights were successfully able to deliver basic items like a first aid kit, dog treats, and water to a few lucky farmers.


Few days ago, Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos said the e-commerce company is testing delivery packages using drones. and was said that they will be hopefully start it in india this year. because In the US, ecommerce companies are not allowed to operate drones outdoor. that could be the reason google tested thier program in Australia.

According to Wired, this will be the last that Google says about Project Wing for the foreseeable future:

The company said it would not agree to additional interviews about the project. “The vehicle you see in our video is more a research vehicle than an indication of a final decision or direction—as we figure out exactly what our service will deliver and where and why, we will look at a variety of vehicle options (both home-made and off-the-shelf),” the spokesperson said.

A white paper released by the company says that the Google X team first discussed the idea of building flying vehicles in 2011, and that in July 2012, Nick Roy, of the MIT Aeronautics & Astronautics program, joined the company to explore the possibilities. Originally, the paper says, the aim was to use drones to deliver defibrillators to heart attack victims.