Yahoo to shutdown Yahoo Contributor network and Yahoo Voices

Yahoo is now going to shut down it’s well known services Yahoo Voices and Yahoo Contributor Network.

Yahoo sent e-mails to notify their users that they are going to close Yahoo voices on July 31, 2014 and Yahoo contributor network on August 15, 2014.

I am also part of yahoo contributor network . so this is what i got in e-mail.

Yahoo to shut down yahoo contributor network

What is Yahoo contributor network?

The Yahoo Contributor Network is a platform that allows people to share their voice and expertise with Yahoo’s online audience of more than 600 million monthly online visitors. Once you register as a contributor, you could start submitting articles, videos, audio and images – on any topic you choose – and claim assignments to publish on Yahoo sites like Yahoo News, Yahoo Sports, Yahoo Finance, omg! from Yahoo, Shine from Yahoo and Yahoo Voices. you could earn money every time you publish, and the earnings were limitless with the Yahoo Contributor Network.

So if you have any question related your pending payment , Yahoo wrote clearly that the payment to all contributor will be sent before 15 August.

Still have Questions?

Yahoo answered a lot more questions you can find them here