How to Hire Experienced Game Developers

Hiring Developers: Everything You Need to Know to Find an Experienced Game Developer

Hiring game developers is an essential step for game development studios to turn their ideas into reality. However, finding the right developer with the necessary skills and experience can be a daunting task. We will discuss everything you need to know to find an experienced game developer.

Determine Your Needs

Before hiring a game developer, it’s essential to determine what kind of developer you need. Do you need a developer who specializes in a particular genre, such as RPG or FPS, or do you need a developer who can work across multiple genres? Do you need a full-stack developer? Do you need a developer who can work on a specific aspect of game development such as UI/UX design? Maybe AI programming? Or level design? Once you have a clear idea of your needs, it will be easier to find a developer who can meet them.

Review Portfolios and Resumes

The next step is to review the portfolios and resumes of potential developers. Look for developers who have experience working on games similar to the one you are developing.  Be sure to check references and ask for samples of their work. Additionally, be mindful of how well their skills match up with your project’s needs.

Consider Remote Developers

Thanks to the rise of remote work, it’s easier than ever to hire game developers from anywhere in the world. Hiring remote developers can be an excellent way to find talented developers who may not be located in your area. However, it’s important to keep in mind the time differences, language barriers, and cultural differences that may affect communication and collaboration. Be sure to establish clear communication channels and set expectations from the start to ensure a smooth working relationship.

Utilize Job Posting Platforms

There are numerous job posting platforms for game developers, such as Gamasutra, Indeed, and LinkedIn. These platforms allow developers to post their resumes and portfolios and enable employers to post job openings. Be sure to use these platforms to your advantage and post your job openings on them. This can help you reach a broader pool of talented developers and streamline your recruitment process.

Check Developer Communities

There are numerous online communities for game developers, such as Reddit’s r/gamedev and Game Jolt. These communities are excellent places to find developers who are passionate about game development and may be looking for work. Additionally, you can connect with other game development studios and get advice on hiring developers and other aspects of game development.

Conduct Interviews

After you have identified potential developers, it’s essential to conduct interviews to assess their skills and cultural fit. Conduct a phone or video interview to ask about their work experience, technical skills, and project management abilities. Be sure to ask for examples of their work and assess how well their skills match up with your project’s needs. Additionally, pay attention to their communication skills and ability to work in a team.

Be Clear About Expectations

Once you have hired a game developer, it’s essential to be clear about your expectations. This includes setting clear goals and deadlines, establishing communication channels, and defining the scope of work. Additionally, it’s essential to be transparent about compensation, benefits, and any other relevant details. Being clear about your expectations can help ensure that the developer is on the same page as you and can deliver the results you need.


Hiring experienced game developers is a critical step in developing a successful game. By following these tips, you can find talented developers who can help turn your ideas into reality. Be sure to take the time to review portfolios and resumes, and conduct interviews when you search for game dev for hire. Using our tips and being a little more attentive, you can find enough good specialists.