How to Find the Best Software Developers

Hiring the best software developer is not an easy job. Statistics show that the demand for the best talents is growing faster than the supply. Employers are naturally finding it hard to get the best. McKinsey recently published a report that says that 87% of businesses are facing a huge shortfall or expecting a shortage within a few years.

However, the truth is that, finding the best people has never been easy. Sure enough, there is a lot of talent out there, but an exceptional programmer will have more skills than just programming.

  • How to be sure that the person can think creatively and can innovate?
  • How do you know whether the programmer is a team player?
  • How do you find out whether the person can receive constructive feedback?
  • How can you be sure of the person’s work ethic and moral fiber?

Here are some of the most important evaluation points to consider – 

  1. Technical Skills – Whoever you hire must have a good understanding of the main programming languages. Make sure to include the name of the languages in the job descriptions to ensure that you attract the right candidates. For instance, the title should include “Java Developer” if you want someone who will have to work mostly in Java. If you are developing a mobile application for Apple TV, Apple Watch, or iPhone, then you need to hire a swift developer. In other words, there is no point in just mentioning “Software Developer” in your advertisement.
  1. Look at the Portfolio – There is no better way to find the ability and knowledge of the candidate than checking the portfolio. You can check the profile on GitHub and other places. Of course, during the interview ask what projects the person has worked on and what his or her role was in it.
  1. Look for Someone Flexible – It is impossible to be an expert in all the tools, algorithms, languages, and frameworks. Almost every day, there are advancements in technologies, which are changing the way developers need to approach problem-solving. So, look for someone who is flexible and versatile. This way, you don’t have to keep looking for new people or ask them to upgrade. You will save both time and money. In a mobile app, you can be sure that the users will be from different operating systems. Some of them will be using Android, while others IOs. You may have different developers working on them, but having someone with knowledge of both will always be very useful.
  1. Look for a Collaborator and Communicator – A passionate developer can work quickly when alone. But collaboration is required in a team. At some point, the person will need to work with others. Thus, having a good communicator is always an advantage. A friendly person who can gel with others easily and doesn’t have any issues taking orders is a huge plus. Working together, the team can streamline the workflows easily. Clear communication is required when developers are not just fulfilling their own roles, but can also augment the requirements of the team.
  1. Find a Creative Person – You will definitely have a vision of what you want to achieve. A creative person can add color to this vision. Such a developer will be able to add key functionalities that will improve the user experience. So, theoretically, technical skills are important, but it is creativity, which will add innovation. You can even introduce training programs to help them upgrade, but creativity and imaginations are aspects that are very difficult to introduce, which is why they are key elements.
  1. Find a Clean Coder – Software development is complicated. But, clean coders can still make the work easier, particularly when it comes to troubleshooting, future updates, and maintenance. Almost no coder will work in a business forever. With a clean code, the person coming next is going to find the work much easier to manage. A messy coder will make it difficult for others even on the same team.
  1. Prioritize Talent Over Experience – What do you do if you have two applications… one from an experienced developer and a second from someone who seems to be extremely talented? Yes, experience is vital. However, if you are seeking something new, perhaps a fresh idea, or an out-of-the-box innovation, which may give your application the edge over the competition, then the person with the talent may make the critical difference.

Take time to decide. You need to focus on hiring the best talents and then try your best to retain them. Remember, even the largest companies like Google and Amazon are downsizing. Collaborate with recruiters, advertise yourself, and ask your own people to recommend a developer who is outstanding. Explore all channels to find an awesome software developer.