14 Most dominant Indian Tech people in the US in 2014

1. Satya Nadella

Satya Nadella is the third CEO in the history of Microsoft company. He spent 20 years before getting the CEO title. Earlier he was a VP in business and online services and head of company`s cloud computing.

2. Sundar Pichai

He is now CEO of Google Inc. He was in charge of Chrome only before getting promoted in March 2013 to head Android and took over Andy Rubin who was earlier the head of Android. Major population of the world(80 %) uses Android which makes Pichai`s jobs much more hectic.

3. Vinod Khosla

He dreamt of starting his own company when he was 16. Firstly he co-founded daisy systems which is aided by computers for designing systems for electrical engineers. He also co-founded Sun Micro-systems which Oracle bought in 2010. Finally, he founded Khosla ventures and reached his dream of running his own company.

Khosla is a founding board member of the Indian School of business.

4. Rashmi Sinha

She is a designer, entrepreneur, and researcher who founded SlideShare in 2006 which was later obtained by LinkedIn in 2012 for $119 million. She founded Uzanto, which is a consulting company before finding SlideShare.

5. Gokul Rajaram

He is a tech Superstar, narrated by his former colleagues as a legend. he was a head of product engineering for Square as mobile payments company before being roped in by Facebook as an Ad unit Developer in 2010. He also worked for Google as a managing director for Adsense for 5 years before joining Facebook.

6. Aarti Ramamurthy

She spent 6 years at Microsoft working on Visual Studio and Xbox live, before founding lumoid which enables people to test-drive electronics before buying them.

7. Amit Singhal

He is a software developer who was honored with the title of “Google Fellow”. He runs the team that makes continued changes on how Google search works.

Before joining Google he was a senior member of the technical staff at AT&T Labs.

8. Chet Kanojia

His Company Aereo lets people live stream channels like NBC, FOX ABC NBS, etc, on computers, smartphones, tablets, etc just for $8 a month, but his company is suffering a lawsuit in the supreme court against the broadcasters who hate this company later this year.
Earlier he founded Navic Networks which provides Cable networks real-time measurements of people helping them place Ads.

9. Reshma Saujani

She founded a high school program named Girls who code which is an 8-week program in which girls learn the basic of Java, Ruby, HTML, and many more languages. Girls who codes partners are Goldman Sachs Group, Twitter, Intel, and eBay.

10. Shantanu Narayen

Before becoming the CEO of Adobe in 2007 he was working as a VP of worldwide products. He got his start when he encountered an adobe executive at a trade show in the 90`s, At that time he founded photo sharing base called Pictra. When adobe was launching its first image editing product narayen wanted pictra`s technology to be included in it.

In 2011, US president Barack Obama choose Narayen as a member of his Management Advisory board.

11. Ram Shriram

He founded sherpalo ventures in 2000, which guides and mentors entrepreneurs. Since then the firm has been investing in Paperless post, StumbleUpon, Zazzle and Mint. He is a founding board member and one the investors of Google. He was an employee of Netscape and was President of Junglee before Amazon obtained it for a whooping $185 million. Shriram is one the “Golden Angels” of Silicon Valley.

12. Padmasree Warrior

She is the Chief of Technology and strategy officer at Cisco. She was the CTO of Motorola and she`s ardent about helping other women in Tech.
Cisco CEO John Chambers has mentioned that she is “one of the sharpest technology people in the world”. He also said that she is the most suitable of taking my place if he retires.

13. Neal Mohan

He is best known as the $100 million man.He joined Google in 2008 after Google obtained DoubleClick for $3.8 million where his position was Senior VP of strategy and product development.

DoubleClick`s CEO David Rosenblatt joined Twitter and he tried to steal Mohan from Google in 2011. At one point it was looking like mohan will also join Twitter but he did not join it and most of you are wondering Why? because the offer Google gave him that no one can ever resist, A whooping amount of $100 million in stocks, this is why he is best known as the $100 million man.

14. Yash Nelapat

He is Pinterest`s first full time worker along with the founders Ben Silbermann, Paul sciarra, and Evan Sharp to get the site started.

At this time, its been 4 years for him along with Marty Weiner. His responsibility is to keep the site up even at the most hectic times.