Examples of Successful Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Before implementing our own project, each of us thinks about how to avoid additional waste and test the product to the fullest. That’s what the MVP is for. What is it and what successful examples exist we will understand this article.

What is MVP?

MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product. This technique allows you to release your product and evaluate the reaction of users and buyers at a minimal cost. In more detail, the company releases a prototype of its product with a minimum set of functions. However, they are enough to use the product. Thus, developers can analyze feedback from users and the market, as well as look at their products from the outside. MVP companies will help you with this.

You need to understand that MVP is not the final product. Its purpose is only to irradiate as much information and feedback as possible in order to release the main project in the future. The data generated by an MVP can be very valuable and irreplaceable.

What does it take to successfully launch an MVP?


First of all, find good people to help you prototype your project. Read reviews about their activities, see if you can trust this company as a whole, and then proceed to cooperation. In addition, you must know well what kind of product you want to receive.

Do not overload the product

Brainstorming acts as an important starting point in creating an MVP. However, we must not forget that it must be simple in order to be viable. Therefore, it is extremely important to edit your team’s ideas.

A good practice here is to reward every employee and prioritize your product. Then you need to collect these opinions and analyze whether they all make sense and which ones are the best.


An effective strategy is to test the product on people willing to buy a new solution, even if it has problems and bugs. First, you need to find this target audience through analysis.

As a rule, these are the people who have problems that need to be solved, and they urgently need to get this solution. Feedback from your target audience will help you improve your core product and customize its functionality. From the very beginning, it is important to focus on relationship strategies, offering exclusive benefits to maintain them.

MVP examples to inspire


In the early 1990s, Jeff Bezos read a report on the future of the Internet and was shocked by the growth estimates for e-commerce. So he compiled a list of products that were most profitable for online sales, narrowed the list down to five, and then concluded that offering books at lower prices could be a good deal.

He soon founded Amazon. Their project had the simplicity that the concept required: a simple website with a publications directory. From interaction to interaction and from test to test, Bezos was able to understand the behavior of his users and their main complaints. Then he correctly used this information and began to develop his platform in the right direction.


To confirm its commitment to the market, Dropbox has released a simple video that briefly explains the functionality of its solution. The video had a big impact on early adopters and their initial feedback was essential to legitimize the product launch in the market. Thus, they managed to launch a cool project that won the trust of millions of users around the world.



Therefore, if you want to implement your large-scale project, you should start with an MVP. This is an important step in the development of any product. With it, you can test your idea, get feedback from potential customers and analyze the market. In this way, you will be able to release the perfect optimized product that will immediately win the trust of users.