Which Way Should You Market Your Business?

The age-old question when it comes to marketing for any business is ‘which way is best?’ This cannot be answered simply, however, as the constant shift of the times has led to new and varied ways of putting your business in the eyes of potential customers.

Recent reports have shown that direct marketing is still the king compared to sponsorships and other methods of marketing, with over two-thirds of the market share dominated by content marketing.

The clear benefit of putting the correct marketing strategies in place for your business is simple – it keeps the company alive. Think of marketing as the beating heart of an organization and the blood as customers – a great marketing strategy consistently pumps the lifeblood throughout the business and allows the product, offering, or services to be the clinch that turns the blood into profit, revenue, and growth.

Here are the ways you should look to market your business:

Create Email Marketing Channels

One of the best ways to approach a sales arm of a business is to be able to create clear lines of communication with an audience and a business. One of the major ways to do this for an organization is email marketing, which allows a business to drop emails into customers’ and potential customers’ inboxes.

Using enterprise email marketing platforms can be a true game changer when it comes to creating an automated process for sending email marketing campaigns. The huge benefit of this is you can consistently generate urgency that aids sales, as well as boosts more revenue streams and higher qualified leads.

Email marketing is cheap, effective, and timely and allows your business to get measurable and actionable data on the campaigns you run – you can also run segmented email campaigns which ensures that the right email lands to the correct customer. Whether it is looking at open rates or even finding out the clickthroughs from people opening the emails email marketing can have an ROI of $42 for every $1 spent on the marketing channel.

Upgrade Your Search Engine Optimization

This is one of the more recent marketing streams that allows you to elevate your business and generate more digital presence online. SEO, or search engine optimization, is one of the core fundamentals of being a successful business.

Over the past two decades, businesses have gone from making sure they have brick-and-mortar assets to now transitioning almost entirely online. Being in the digital space not only creates far more opportunities and allows your business to have more reach that can span anyone on the globe. SEO benefits also negate the need to spend money on both buildings and the overheads they can entail.

Create Profit-Generating PPC Campaigns

One of the clear-cut marketing objectives should always be aiming to put your product in front of people you want to target your business toward. PPC or pay-per-click is the optimal marketing strategy to create data-based advertising campaigns for the digital space that can both give you strong measurable results but also an ROI on how much you are spending.

You can run these campaigns across the web and social media but also target both mobile users and people on desktop – whilst it can be tough to get through in the online world, as so many businesses are targeting potential customers.

PPC is commonly run through Google Ads, which allows you to focus your ad spend on the scale of your campaigns, whilst also ensuring the target audience is people related to your business. Creating social media accounts for your business to build your presence on them is a must, but also having advertising campaigns on social channels can be huge for potential leads. A good example can be found on Instagram, where product marketing is common and the visual aspect of the social media site is huge for getting potential eyes on your business. A promoted post can have a huge ROI for your company and marketing efforts.

Boost Social Media Presence

A key sign of a strong brand is the content they generate – an old marketing maxim focuses on the analogy of a peacock – if this animal shows its strength through the variety and flair of its feathers, the same can be said for a business.

One of the best channels for a business to build a presence through unique and engaging content can be social media – using the advice or help of social media marketing creatives, a business can redefine and reposition its brand by boosting its social media channels.

Driving engagement through replies, comments and conversations is key, but by also making timely and relevant content for people to look at, not only can you expand your potential range of customers but make your brand look much more holistic and natural. You can take a look at some of the best and worst corporations and small businesses to see how they market themselves through social media, taking both inspiration and credence at what they do well and what they get wrong.