Cybersecurity: Why it is a future?

Cybersecurity has been a main pillar in the technological field for several years mainly when we talk about devices that allow us the interconnection between them through data networks.

These devices are mainly:

  • Computers (desktops and laptops)
  • Tablets
  • Smartphones
  • Industrial systems

However, in recent years (to a greater extent from the past 2020) to the present, cybersecurity in both business and home environments is being greatly affected by different types of attacks. What is having the greatest impact are the so-called ransomware attacks. These attacks enable attackers to hijack information from the infected system and demand a ransom.

This increase has demonstrated our weaknesses in the security of our computing devices. It has also made visible the lack of knowledge and awareness of users in this security area.

The main reason has been due to the pandemic we have been suffering worldwide caused by the COVID-19 virus. This led many companies to start using teleworking among their employees. In many cases, these companies were not prepared to make this change in such a short time. This implies that in terms of technology and employee training in cybersecurity for teleworking, security was insufficient for the scale required.

From this point, we can assess that cybersecurity in telework was not correct or was poorly implemented.

Not only large multinationals have been affected. In the case of small companies, the situation has made them reinvent themselves and make greater use of remote connections or offer services over the Internet. At this point, cybersecurity for SMEs is becoming more important than it has been up to now.

Many of these companies do not have the technical means to implement high-cost security systems. At this point, training and awareness of the people who use the organization’s devices and systems are needed. Mainly to avoid falling into scams or social engineering attacks.

Importance of Cybersecurity

As seen in the introduction, cybersecurity nowadays is a very important point. Nowadays, the way we work and communicate is largely based on networked devices.

In the enterprise, we are continuously connected to the corporate network and the Internet. In the internal network, we usually communicate via internal messaging systems, share files with our colleagues, send and receive e-mails, etc.

In our private life, we are also connected and exposed to more than we are really aware of. Just by turning on our smartphones, we are already connected to the network. We usually have various applications that allow different functions on our devices. This can range from a simple instant messaging system to managing our bank accounts.

This means that poor cybersecurity awareness can lead us to install undesirable applications or browse unsafely. If we make any of these mistakes, we can expose our device and the information we store on it.

In short, we can say that the importance of cybersecurity has to be a habit in our “digital life”. In this way and by giving it the importance, it deserves, we will be able to protect ourselves and safeguard our information against possible attacks or scams.

Why need always training?

Training in the cybersecurity sector is necessary not only because of the future that is foreseen but also because of the current state in which we find ourselves. All studies indicate that a large number of people are needed to meet the demand for the positions that must be filled.

It is not only necessary to focus on the profiles of professionals who are 100% dedicated to security and who focus on the protection and detection of cybersecurity problems. Cybersecurity training should also be recommended for anyone in their professional or personal environment using technology and Internet services (web browsing, social networks, email, …).

This last group is not less important because it is not dedicated to cybersecurity on a day-to-day basis, but it is the most important group. Why? Because it is the majority group. Everyone who uses Internet services is exposed and is a human factor that can make mistakes. For this reason, professionals working in this sector must always have the premise of making people and employees aware of the correct use of technology.

Cybersecurity profiles

Focusing specifically on the professional profiles that we can find dedicated 100% to cybersecurity, there is not only one specific branch. We can find different paths in which to specialize.

In this sense, we can find profiles of different typologies. From specialists in coordinating and managing cybersecurity teams to specialists in more technical areas such as, for example, people dedicated to carrying out security audits.


The CSO profile can be described as the person who has the highest responsibility in the organization. This responsibility is within the cybersecurity team.

Network Team

People who are included within these teams aim to become attackers to perform penetration tests. They are also known as penetration tests or audits. This consists of simulating real attacks to test the infrastructure, software, and systems. In short, any asset of the organization is susceptible to being breached.

We could summarize that they are in charge of offensive security.

Blue Team

The people included in these teams are in charge of defensive security. Their functions consist of protecting the infrastructure, software, and systems. In short, they are in charge of the surveillance and continuous improvement of the company’s assets that may be breached or susceptible to attacks.

Digital Forensics

The profiles within this group are those dedicated to the digital investigation. In the event that a security incident affects the organization, people specialized in the forensic analysis are in charge of analyzing the affected systems and giving an answer to what has happened.

These analyses are not only used to find out the reasons for an incident and the degree of severity. Security teams also use them to improve the aspects that have been breached.

Official Studies

Once we have started our cybersecurity journey and have the foundations in place, we can opt for official studies and degrees that allow us to continue learning and increasing our level of knowledge.

Postgraduate studies

Once university studies have been completed, most universities offer postgraduate Master’s degrees in cybersecurity. This will allow people who decide to take it, with the knowledge obtained during years of study, to specialize in the field of cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity training cycle

If the path of studies that has been followed is through vocational training, this also offers its own cycle related to cybersecurity. It corresponds to a higher grade cycle, so in order to be able to access it, minimum requirements must be met.

These cycles are taken in official accredited centers and at the end of them, we will obtain an officially recognized degree.


Certificates are important everywhere, just as a writer needs to prove his or her professionalism in grammar or writing the best essays examples, and an English teacher needs to prove his or her level with certificates every couple of years, just like any doctor.

The official certifications correspond to the obtaining of qualifications recognized normally at a worldwide level. This is obtained after taking an exam and passing it with the minimum qualification required. These exams are based on content created by organizations and focused on specific aspects of cybersecurity (ethical hacking, forensics, etc.).

Among the organizations that offer this type of certification we can find:

  • EC-Council (CEH, CHFI, …).
  • Offensive Security (OSCP, OSCE, …)