Electronic frontier foundation to provide free SSL certificates for entire WEB

Electronic frontier foundation has partnered with Mozilla , CISCO and Akamai for free HTTPS certificates for all the servers running at the beginning of 2015. Till now applying the encryption has been a expensive process but now after the launch of Let’s Encrypt Web will b more secure from all types of notorious Hackers.

It is a result of the effort applied by Firefox of Mozilla , CISCO and Akamai technologies , Electronic frontier Foundation , EdenTrust and Some researchers from Michigan Any web developer who wants to test the service can go to GITHUB and CHECK the code which is available there for public use.

You should keep in mind that the service is currently is not fully functional and if you will pay o hid to it then you might get various certificate warnings.

EFF Technology Director Peter Eckersley Said in a staement that The above project should be able to boost everyday data protection for almost everyone on the Web.