Black Friday Discounts: Why Everything is So Cheap?

Black Friday, the day following Thanksgiving, has become synonymous with incredible deals and discounts. Shoppers eagerly anticipate this annual event, known for its jaw-dropping prices and massive savings. But have you ever wondered why everything seems so cheap on Black Friday? In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind the discounted prices on Black Friday, uncovering the strategies and factors that contribute to the irresistible allure of this shopping extravaganza.

Reasons for discounted prices on Black Friday

Here are a few reasons for the discounted prices on Black Friday:

1. High Sales Volume & Clearing Old Inventory

Black Friday is one of the busiest shopping days of the year, with retailers aiming to maximize their sales volume. To attract hordes of shoppers, retailers offer significant Black Friday discounts, slashing prices on a wide range of products. By capitalizing on the sheer volume of sales, retailers can still turn a profit despite the heavily discounted prices.

Black Friday presents a perfect opportunity for retailers to clear out older inventory and make way for new products. As the year nears its end, retailers want to offload items that have been sitting on shelves for an extended period. By offering deep discounts on these products, they can create space for fresh inventory, generating revenue while ensuring a constantly updated product lineup.

2. Competitive Pricing & Supplier Discounts

Black Friday sale

Black Friday is a highly competitive retail environment, with numerous retailers vying for consumers’ attention and dollars. To stay ahead in this cutthroat competition, retailers lower their prices to attract customers away from their rivals. By offering compelling Black Friday discounts, retailers aim to win over shoppers and secure their loyalty throughout the holiday season.

Retailers often negotiate special discounts with their suppliers specifically for Black Friday. These discounts allow retailers to obtain products at reduced prices, enabling them to pass on the savings to consumers. By leveraging their relationships with suppliers, retailers can offer even more enticing deals, making Black Friday a win-win situation for both retailers and shoppers.

3. Economies of Scale & Loss-Leaders

Black Friday’s massive sales volume allows retailers to benefit from economies of scale. With a higher quantity of products sold, retailers can negotiate better deals with manufacturers and suppliers. This enables them to procure goods at lower prices, ultimately translating into lower prices for consumers. The more shoppers participate in Black Friday, the greater the economies of scale, leading to even lower prices.

Loss-leaders are products sold at a loss or minimal profit to attract customers and drive sales of other higher-margin items. Retailers strategically employ loss-leader tactics on Black Friday to entice shoppers with unbelievably low prices on select items. While they may lose money on these specific products, the hope is that customers will also purchase other items with higher profit margins, offsetting the losses.

4. Cost Savings & Customer Traffic

Black Friday discounts

In recent years, the rise of online shopping has revolutionized Black Friday. E-commerce platforms offer convenience and cost savings for retailers, enabling them to reduce overhead expenses associated with brick-and-mortar stores. With fewer operational costs, online retailers can offer competitive Black Friday discounts, passing on the savings to customers.

One of the primary objectives of Black Friday is to drive customer traffic both online and offline. Retailers strategically use Black Friday discounts as a magnet to attract shoppers, counting on the increased footfall to boost overall sales. Higher customer traffic not only helps retailers move products but also presents opportunities for upselling and cross-selling, further enhancing profitability.


Black Friday’s allure lies in the deeply discounted prices that seem almost too good to be true. The convergence of factors such as retailers capitalizing on high sales volume, clearing old inventory, competitive pricing, supplier discounts, economies of scale, strategic loss-leaders, online shopping cost savings, and increased customer traffic contribute to the low prices during this shopping extravaganza. As a consumer, Black Friday presents an opportune time to snag incredible deals and kickstart your holiday shopping while retailers leverage this day to boost their sales and establish customer loyalty.