CI Servers: The Key to Maintaining Application Security

In today’s complex software development landscape, application security has become crucial for organizations of all sizes. Application security is the practice of protecting software applications from security vulnerabilities and cyber-attacks, and Continuous Integration (CI) servers have become critical to maintaining security in these applications.

Having visibility into open-source use is crucial for reducing risk in enterprises. For managing open-source security at scale, advanced third-party solutions may be necessary.

What are CI Servers?

CI servers are software tools that automate the process of building, testing, and deploying software code changes. The CI server monitors the code repository, detects changes, and automatically initiates the build and testing process. At its core, the primary objective of a CI server is to detect errors and defects in the codebase as soon as possible in the development cycle. By doing so, the CI server minimizes the time and cost required to resolve these issues.

On-premises CI servers are installed and managed on local infrastructure. They offer complete control and customization over the build and test environment, as well as the security of the codebase. On-premises CI servers can be configured to run builds and tests on various operating systems, platforms, and languages. They can integrate with multiple version control systems, bug trackers, and other tools used in the development process.

However, on-premises CI servers require dedicated hardware and IT resources to maintain and manage. Additionally, on-premises CI servers may be unable to handle sudden spikes in build and test requests, leading to delays in the development process.

Cloud-based CI servers, on the other hand, are hosted and managed by a third-party provider. They offer the convenience of a managed service with minimal setup and maintenance required. Cloud-based CI servers are scalable and can handle large build and test requests, and they also offer the ability to spin up multiple instances of builds and tests in parallel.

Finally, popular version control systems like GitHub can be integrated with CI servers.

How do CI Servers Assist in Maintaining Application Security?

Continuous Testing: CI servers can test application code to detect vulnerabilities or defects. This allows developers to catch security issues early in the development cycle and fix them before they become significant problems.

Automated Security Scans

CI servers can run automated security scans on application code to detect known vulnerabilities. This can help identify and fix any security issues quickly. CI servers can integrate with various security tools, such as vulnerability scanners, code analysis tools, and security testing frameworks, to identify potential security issues early on.

Faster Response to Security Threats

By automating fixing vulnerabilities and deploying updated code, CI servers enable developers to respond rapidly to security threats. This can help minimize the risk of security breaches and ensure that applications remain secure.

Version Control

CI servers allow developers to maintain version control of application code. This is important for maintaining security because it will enable developers to track changes to the code and quickly revert to a previous version if necessary.

Considerations When Implementing a CI Server

Implementing a CI server requires careful consideration and planning to ensure that it successfully supports the development process. Some key considerations are:

Infrastructure requirements

CI servers require dedicated hardware or virtual machines to run builds and tests. Consider the hardware and software requirements.

Integration with Development Tools

The CI server must integrate with your version control system, bug tracker, and other development tools.

Automated Build and Test Scripts

Automate the build and test process using scripts the CI server can execute.

Test Coverage and Reporting

Other important aspects of implementing a CI server are collecting and reporting test coverage metrics to provide continuous feedback to developers and ensuring that the test environments meet the specific requirements of the project.


Ensure the CI server is configured to run builds and tests in a secure environment.


CI servers are a crucial component in maintaining application security. CI servers allow developers to catch security issues early in the development cycle, respond quickly to security threats, and maintain version control of application code. As application security continues to be a top concern for organizations, CI servers will become even more critical in maintaining secure software applications.