Samsung’s Investment Into AI and Machine Learning

In recent years, Samsung has been making significant investments in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies. These investments are part of the company’s long-term strategy to drive innovation in various industries, including autonomous vehicles and robotics. Samsung’s investments in AI and ML are already paying off, as the company is developing cutting-edge solutions that are transforming these industries.

Investing in AI and Machine Learning

Samsung's Investment Into AI and Machine Learning

Samsung’s investment in AI and ML technologies started with the acquisition of Viv Labs in 2016. Viv Labs was a startup founded by the creators of Apple’s Siri, and its AI technology has become the foundation of Samsung’s Bixby virtual assistant. Since then, Samsung has continued to invest in AI and ML, building a team of experts in these fields and partnering with other companies to develop new solutions.

In 2017, Samsung announced the creation of a new AI research center in Montreal, Canada. This center focuses on developing new algorithms for machine learning as well as natural language processing, with the goal of creating more intuitive and personalized user experiences. Samsung has also established partnerships with other companies, such as NVIDIA and IBM, to develop new AI solutions for various industries.

Autonomous Vehicles & Robotics

Samsung's Investment Into AI and Machine Learning

One of the areas where Samsung is leveraging AI and ML technologies is in the development of autonomous vehicles. Samsung’s subsidiary, Harman, is working on developing advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) that use AI to improve safety and efficiency on the road. Harman’s ADAS solutions include features such as lane departure warnings, adaptive cruise control, and automated emergency braking. These features rely on machine learning algorithms that analyze sensor data from cameras, radar, and lidar to detect obstacles and make driving decisions. Samsung is also working on developing new technologies for autonomous vehicles beyond ADAS. The company is developing an AI-powered system called Samsung DRVLINE, which is designed to be a flexible platform for autonomous driving. DRVLINE includes hardware and software components that can be customized for different vehicle types and use cases.

Samsung is also using AI and ML technologies to drive innovation in the field of robotics. The company has designed a spectrum of robots that use AI to interact with their environments and perform complex tasks. One example is Samsung’s Bot Care robot, which uses AI to monitor the health and well-being of elderly people. Bot Care can measure vital signs such as blood pressure and heart rate, and it can also remind patients to take medication or attend appointments. Another example is Samsung’s Bot Chef robot, which uses AI to cook meals in a kitchen environment. Bot Chef can recognize different ingredients and cooking utensils, and it can follow recipes to prepare meals autonomously. In addition to these robots, Samsung is also developing AI-powered systems for industrial robots. These systems use machine learning algorithms to optimize manufacturing processes and improve efficiency in industries such as automotive and electronics.

Samsung's Investment Into AI and Machine Learning

The Takeaway

Samsung’s investments in AI and ML technologies are driving innovation in various industries, including autonomous vehicles and robotics. The company’s focus on developing advanced solutions that leverage these technologies is transforming the way we live and work, and it is positioning Samsung as a leader in these fields. As Samsung continues to invest in AI and ML, we can anticipate to see even more innovative solutions in the future. From autonomous vehicles that are safer and more efficient to robots that can perform complex tasks autonomously, Samsung’s AI and ML technologies are reshaping the world around us.