5 Things You Should Know About Molecular Spectroscopy

With a scientific method such as molecular spectroscopy, you can determine the structure of atoms and molecules. Because of this, it is used to detect trace amounts of a substance and can be utilized in many different fields, such as chemistry, medicine, environmental science, and the like.

Molecular spectroscopy

This article will discuss five things you should know about molecular spectroscopy.

1. The Basic Definition of Molecular Spectroscopy

Agilent molecular spectroscopy studies the atoms and molecules of different chemicals. When atoms or molecules interact with electromagnetic radiation, this interaction can produce an absorption pattern.

With this, it is possible to determine the molecule’s structure and other scientific details, like the rotation of the bonds, bond length, ground state, excited state, and other things.

2. Beneficial for The Pharmaceutical Field

Molecular spectroscopy can be a beneficial tool for many fields, specifically pharmaceutical ones. Spectroscopy is extremely useful for analyzing drug development and discovery, which is why many pharmaceutical agencies focus on medication research to help the industry grow.

With that, molecular spectroscopy brings many benefits to the pharmaceutical industry. One instance of molecular spectroscopy’s importance is its ability to monitor the concentration of a product. This allows manufacturers to create a setup that can produce efficient and pure products.

3. Utilized in The Forensics Field

In the field of forensics investigation, molecular spectroscopy is also used by recording UV and NIR spectrograms which are commonly used to analyze paint traces, fibers, and other materials found at crime scenes without destroying the evidence. Besides that, molecular spectroscopy is also used to detect substances such as toxins and drugs in different fields.

Forensic scientists are tasked with analyzing soil samples for any kind of contamination. They can also utilize molecular spectroscopy with mass spectrometry and IR spectroscopy methods.

4. Can Help With Quality Control in The Food Industry

The food industry contains very serious and strict regulations regarding releasing food to the market. Food manufacturers must ensure that they only produce edible and high-quality products with no contaminants in the food they sell. To help them with their quality control process, manufacturers utilize molecular spectroscopy to detect any contaminants in their products.

These companies use different methods of molecular spectroscopy, such as Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR). This method uses wavelength light to excite the molecules in a food sample and make them oscillate. The results will reveal details about the molecular composition of the food and can detect if there are any possible contaminants.

5. Where to Study Molecular Spectroscopy

Molecular spectroscopy is a scientific and complicated process that requires deep understanding and knowledge to be able to conduct this method effectively. Many methods of molecular spectroscopy can be applied in different fields, which is why they can be learned in specific courses only, such as:

  • Masters of Science in Analytical Chemistry
  • Bachelor of Science in Physical Chemistry
  • Masters of Science in Organic Chemistry
  • Bachelor of Science in Physics
  • Masters of Science in Inorganic Chemistry

Molecular Spectroscopy is Useful

Science is a very useful and helpful aspect of many industries and businesses, where they use different scientific methods such as molecular spectroscopy. In fields like environmental science, forensics, medicine, and many other fields, molecular spectroscopy is a beneficial tool that can help detect and analyze certain substances.