During your tenure as a programmer, you are likely to make a number of blunders. Some of them you won’t discover until much later, and you’ll wish you’d known them sooner. What I’m getting at here isn’t technical; it’s more pertains to your work ethic and how you’ve handled yourself throughout the course of your career.
1. Know Your Worth
As far as I’m concerned, this is the most crucial thing you’ll ever need to know. If you’re looking for a new opportunity, this is very vital. It’s possible to accept a less-than-desirable opportunity because you believe it’s your only choice. Other times, you may have an excellent opportunity, but you decide not to pursue it because you believe you lack the necessary skills. It’s not only about finding new possibilities. There are some individuals who stay caught in a profession that isn’t helping them progress or learn new things since they believe there is no other option available.
You must have faith in your own abilities and personality. Knowing a lot of technical jargon isn’t the most important factor. You could always acquire new languages, frameworks, and ideas, even if you’ve already mastered several. In order to maintain your sense of self-worth and achieve your goals, you need to improve in this area if you discover that it’s getting in the way of your progress.
2. Value Your Years of Experience
This is not only for people who have been in the industry for more than two years; it also pertains to those who are just beginning. No matter how large or little a work or endeavor is, you should appreciate the time and energy you have invested into it or are pouring into it. As you engage in it, you acquire and discover different things that will make subsequent encounters simpler.
This is more common among freelancers. The fear of charging too much for their services keeps many independent contractors from setting a fair price for their labor. All of this is true even for full-time engineers who are afraid to ask for more money or quit a low-paying position. Don’t forget how hard you’ve worked to be where you are today.
3. Everyone Uses Google
This is more of a primer for individuals who are new to the field of software development. Don’t be ashamed or believe using Google renders you less of a person if you have an issue or miss something. Everybody, even those who have worked in the field for a long time, will at some point need to look up a phrase, a code, or an exception they’ve seen. To waste time and energy on attempting to figure something out on your own is not always desirable, particularly when someone else has already done it and you may gain from their experience by looking for it.
4. Keep Pushing
I believe we’ve all been there, or at least some of us are. What seems to be an insurmountable task seems impossible to you at first glance. If something seems to be difficult or time-consuming, remember that if you put in the effort and give it some space, eventually you’ll see that it isn’t.