5 Social Media Rules You Should Follow

Social media abuse and oversharing. We’ve all been culpable of it at one time or another, and we’ve all seen it happen. We all know the rules of social media decorum (but often are too ignorant to pursue them). Companies, too, must adhere to a set of social media etiquette guidelines. Both expressed and tacit standards of social media rules govern how individuals and businesses conduct themselves online. It ensures that social media users behave in a manner that is both courteous and polite, and in turn, allows us to gain popularity on social media.

With that being said, here are 5 social media rules you should follow.

1. Don’t Entertain Trolls


Online trolls are those who participate in online debates in order to annoy others for “entertainment.” Trolls may be found on any digital interaction site, including newsgroups, chats, and so on. There are a lot of trolls in the news media comment sections. There’s no doubt that there are a lot of them on social media.

What’s the best way to deal with internet trolls? Don’t! Just don’t pay attention to them. Quite a few individuals fall for the hook and go into heated discussions to attempt to defend their position, all for nothing. Don’t spend your valuable hours and emotion arguing with trolls that plague the online world, since someone is always incorrect there.

2. Become a Social Butterfly

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Be as outgoing as you possibly can. Unlike tv and radio, social media wasn’t meant to be a broadcasting platform. Social media is built on the foundation of discussions, and it is this foundation that has propelled social media to the top of the advertising food chain. For writers, social media is a boon since it enables them to interact with their fans in a way that was previously impossible. It is possible for indie writers to sell their works, chat with their fans, settle queries in minutes, and strengthen their ties with their dedicated followers despite the fact that it is all carried out online..

3. Don’t Go all Public

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There are several social networks that allow you to “check-in” to the spot where you snapped a picture or uploaded something or list the locations you’ve been to before. If you’re engaged in anything, the social network may let your friends know so they can come along with you. As a result, thieves may make use of this information in a variety of ways, from burglary to the theft of your online footprint.

That’s why we strongly urge that you activate Facebook’s privacy controls to keep this type of information from outsiders. In addition, it’s an important excuse not to add people to your friends list arbitrarily. It’s possible that the individuals who want to communicate with you are bots, trolling, or crooks. Be wary of becoming friends with strangers, even if Facebook tells you that you and the person in question have a large number of shared connections.

4. Pay Heed To Other’s Emotions


Among your Twitter or Instagram contacts are likely to be coworkers, supervisors, and customers. People in the Hr department, for instance, may look into your social media sites if you’re applying for a new job role. Take a moment to think about what you wish your audience to view and what you don’t wish your audience to notice. Cautiously evaluate what you put on other folk’s news feeds and on public profiles such as companies or colleges, since they may be seen by the wider populace.

Because of his “admiring”, a female pupil on social media in 2013, a guy from Pennsylvania was sacked from his job. Despite the fact that his remark was neither obscene nor indecent, it seems that the girl’s parents were not pleased with it. This is a great illustration of why you should only share your questionable images and posts with people you can trust.

Be Wary of Scams

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Scammers sometimes use terrible tales of drowned pups or infants as bait to deceive their prey. Many of these messages seem to be pleas for aid on social media. In reality, they’re used to steal money, distribute phishing scams, and infect computers with viruses. However, most of the reposts of these tweets, or posts are fraudulent. When you really need support, it’s more likely to come from people you know and the people they know.

Giveaways are conducted by corporations, not by random guys sitting in front of computer screens. Why not be cautious and double-check each message before pressing the “Like” or “Share” buttons on social media? Could save you time, could save you money.


In order to foster trust and a long-term partnership, it is essential to practice good manners around others. So, no matter whatever social networking platform you use, maintaining proper online manners is a must. You’ll get better outcomes and more profits if you follow these rules while doing business. Take action now, start publishing, and make a name for yourself.