Study Claims Scientists Cure COVID in Hamsters With Inhaled Nanobodies

Research Description:

Researchers from Pittsburgh School of Medicine University in Pennsylvania, US, announced they have found an “efficient, low-cost therapeutic intervention” in Syrian hamsters to prevent coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The treatment known as Pittsburgh Nanobody 21inhalable (PiN-21) can be used for treating early infections in a needle-free alternative to monoclonal antibodies. The nanobody is given directly via the nose through inhalation, according to researchers. However, whether this therapy can work for humans has to be confirmed.

Published in Science Advances in the peer-reviewed research, PiN-20 is stated to deliver intranasally at 0.6mg/kg to protect infected animals (Syrian hamsters) from the lower and lower airways from weight loss and to significantly reduce viral burden or infection rate. The researchers stated they may use their treatment to curb the ongoing epidemic at a convenient cheap cost.

They have stated in particular, that PiN-21 aerosols may be inhaled into the lungs that decrease viral loads dramatically and avoid pulmonary damage and viral pneumonia.

In order to examine PiN-21, 12 hamsters were separated and the coronavirus infected through the intratracheal route into two groups. Nanobody was delivered immediately after the infection at a mean dosage of 0.6 mg/kg intranasally. The scientists then studied the weight and symptoms of the condition on a daily basis. After one week of infection, the hamsters showed a quick weight loss, up to 16% of their original body weight. The simultaneous nostril delivery of PiN-21 removed any substantial loss of weight in the animals afflicted.

Yi Shi, co-senior author and assistant professor of cell biological science at the University of Pittsburgh, told Science Daily website “We are very excited and encouraged by our data that PiN-21, can be highly protective against severe conditions and can potentially prevent human-to-human viral transmission.”

The researchers have stated that nanobodies and vaccinations cannot compete and complement one another. Vaccines may prevent new instances, but nanobodies may be utilized for the treatment of already sick and for medical reasons unable to be vaccinated.

“COVID-19 is now a major 21st-century disease. The therapy of the lungs directly can make a significant difference to our therapy, “The website was informed by Doug Reed, co-author of the research and assigned immunology professor at university.

Current COVID-19 Condition in India:

Center on Thursday indicated that in India the second wave of the Covid-19 is being stabilized. “It’s heartening that we are on the second wave downswing, and that restriction will be continued if it is systemically made available when the time comes,” Dr. VK Paul, Niti Aayog Member of Health, told in a briefing.

The Ministry of Health, meanwhile, said more than 1,84 crore vaccine doses with states and UTs remained accessible in the next three days, in light of the COVID-19 vaccine shortfall in several states.

In India, 2.11.298 new cases were registered in the previous 24 hours. Tamil Nadu was the leading contributor to the viral outbreak, with 33,764 cases and 28,798 cases in Kerala. Active cases decrease to 24.19 lakh, on Wednesday a decrease of over 75,000. However, on Wednesday the country also saw 3,847 fatalities. In Karnataka 530 and Tamil Nadu, 475 died while Maharashtra was testimony to 1,013 deaths.