Anyone who knows anything about the digital world knows the value of a website. Regardless of your company’s size or industry, a web page is the minimum digital presence required to establish trust.
The internet has changed consumer habits. For example, you would need to visit a store to learn more about a product/service.
Today, it is sufficient to read reviews and compare costs on websites, blogs, forums, and social media. These alterations affect the customer’s buying journey.
So, in this article, you will understand the value of having a company website. If you’re curious about this topic, keep reading! Also know, Top 7 website development tools to consider in 2021.
Buying Journey
The buying journey maps out the stages a buyer takes to buy a product or service. The Internet, as already said, alters this.
In the conventional paradigm, a person faces the shelf and chooses what to take.
The second moment of truth (SMOT) comes when someone consumes the product, assesses satisfaction, and chooses whether to repurchase.
In the new paradigm, before the FMOT at the point of sale, the potential buyer has done extensive online research on the product. Google calls this level the Zero Moments of Truth (in English, Zero Moment of Truth – ZMOT). So, while buying, the customer has already decided.
As a result, the customer stops being passive and begins seeking knowledge through trusted sources. Of course, your business must speak with him during the ZMOT.
What are the benefits of a website?
If individuals wish to search on their own, provide a website URL. A blog that acts as a point of communication between your organization and potential consumers is highly beneficial.
You may educate them on your business while developing authority in your field of expertise by regularly producing relevant text or video material.
It’s also critical to monitor your page’s search engine ranking. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the optimization of its components on-page (Content Marketing) and off-page (Link Building).
After all, a well-known brand online inspires confidence, which is a key component in purchasing decisions.
More conversions
A good user experience (UX) helps turn visitors into leads and eventually customers. Mobile devices have given UX (user experience) a fresh lease of life.
Experiences and emotions a user has while reading his page matter a lot when deciding which product/service to buy.
A negative encounter tarnishes the company’s However, happy customers regularly share their experiences on social media, leading to renowned word of mouth.
Don’t forget to invest in a responsive template that adapts to the screen size. Don’t you think it’s impossible to predict where a potential consumer will visit your site with the rise of tablets and smartphones? So having a mobile version is crucial.
To give you an idea, mobile phones have become the primary way of internet access for People. Information from the Institute of Geography and Statistics’ 2015 National Household Sample Survey.
A non-traditional advertising medium
Television, radio, and print media all demand more money to produce and broadcast a play.
For example, Google Ads may improve your company’s exposure in search engine results and on the Display Network. The advertiser only pays when the ad is clicked, and there is no campaign minimum.
With Facebook Ads, you may target particular demographic and behavioral groups. It is also possible to choose a daily budget, as well as the type and position of the advertising.
According to Ipsos Connect, over 3 million businesses advertise on Facebook, most of them small and medium-sized.
Measures performance
What sets digital apart from conventional marketing is the simplicity of tracking results in real-time. And the major tool is Google Analytics, which is free (GA).
It gives a wealth of real-time data on your website’s traffic, which is quite useful in analyzing visitor behavior. It is now easy to convert them.
Knowing how to analyze campaign performance is crucial for optimization. This is especially true in times of economic distress.
Have you ever felt liberated after leaving your parents’ house to live in a nook of your own? That is the value of a corporate website, a place to call your own online.
We use other firms’ resources when we bet on consolidated platforms like social networks. That is, you are bound by a third party’s terms of service, privacy policies, and features.
Regardless of how powerful these platforms and technologies are, you may feel limited and subject to decisions that directly affect the place you established on them.
In reality, in an outsourced virtual environment, there is no effective control. You won’t have much power if one of these firms says, “Get off my land!”
With a company website, you may tailor it to your business’s needs, such as promotional activities, customer interactions, gamification, and other Inbound Marketing tactics.
Examples include Coca-marketing Cola’s campaigns and the unveiling of the new BMWX2. It’s up to you to personalize your area and make a good first impression. It’s your website.
Take on a new wave
New web-based consumer culture is rapidly growing in India and beyond. The study says e-commerce sales were $ 47.7 billion in 2017. The figure is up 7.5% from 2016. We’ve already covered the rise of smartphones, which accounted for 27% of all transactions in 2017.
For small and medium-sized businesses, the importance of the site has increased significantly, as has the number of e-consumers, showing that this is a behavior that has become part of people’s everyday lives.
In 2017, over 55 million customers made at least one virtual purchase, up 15% over 2016. In 2017, the average ticket increased 3% ($429.00).
All of these statistics, along with the already established e-commerce model in industrialized nations, back up Bill Gates’ prediction that there would be two sorts of businesses in the future: online businesses and offline businesses. You need a website to surf this trend.
Gains a competitive edge
The value of a company’s website also includes another factor – which may concern you – the company’s competitive strategy.
A website, as previously said, may ensure a low-cost place to expose their products and services to the market, and not be held captive by expensive media.
Online information is favored. This means that in the virtual world, the most critical information for decision-making is easily accessible through various methods.
While a corporate website does not guarantee webspace, and the opportunities accessible on the Internet do not work, someone in your niche market is definitely doing it today.
Even if your services are confined to a physical space, your client explores the virtual world for answers. Investing in this communication channel indirectly penalizes you since you deny your client the opportunity to locate your offer.
So, if you’ve made it this far, you’re already persuaded. In today’s competitive industry, investing in internet presence is a must for business success.