Some Basics about Blogging for Beginners

What is a Blog?

The term blog is formed from the weblog. It is a user’s personal diary space to chronicle articles, ideas, and opinions by posting short and frequently updated text entries. A blog may include news, facts, digital media, links to other web articles, and comments by visitors or viewers.

Types of Blogs:
  • Personal Blogs
  • Business Blogs

Personal bloggers write mostly about their branding and post articles/blogs based on it. It is all about Personal Business blogs. Business bloggers will write about the topics that will attract their ideal customers.

Advantages of Blogs:
  1. It is easy and economical to set up.
  2. There’s No threat of spamming.
  3. No limits to the number of blogs a blogger can post.
  4. Can be searched quickly for any information.
  5. Comments can be posted quickly, enabling readers to share their opinions and start discussions.
  6. A built-in method to deliver recent posts to various blog search engines helps search engines list new content.
Dis-advantages of Blogs:
  1. Most people cannot write down their ideas compellingly and clearly and do not have very much to say that is interesting.
  2. Blogs are easy to start but hard to maintain.
  3. Crude people post crude comments on the blogs published.
Uses of Educational Blogs:  
  1. They support student and teacher learning and provide contexts for higher-order thinking.
  2. People can share educational information and teaching tips with other teachers.
  3. People can meet the diverse needs of desperate viewers by posting tips, explanations, and ideas.
  4. For office work, management can post announcements, assignments, and other expectations from which employees can access it from anywhere.

Steps to create blogs using Google’s Blogger:

  1. Go to the free blogging website,
  2. Sign in with your Google email ID and password, and click the ‘Sign In’ button. Else, click the ‘Sign Up’ button to create a new Google Account (where you will be asked to fill in your name, username, password, date of birth, and the CAPTCHA image displayed).
  3. On the next page, choose a profile, add people to your circles whom you want to follow, and add your photograph.
  4. On the Blogger Dashboard, click on the ‘New blog’ button.
  5. In the window that opens, choose a template, a title, and the URL for your blog.
  6. Click the ‘Create blog!’ button.
  7. On the next page, you will see the title of your newly created blog with the message, “Your Blog has been created! Start posting / Dismiss.”
  8. Click on the “Start Posting” link or the ‘Create new post’ button to compose; after that, you can post articles or blogs.
Image Credits: Google Blogger
Good Practices while Blogging:
  1. Visit and study popular and intellectually rich blogs.
  2. For your own blog, choose a domain name that is short and easy to spell and remember. Keep your blog focussed (i.e., relevant, short, and simple) with authentic information.
  3. Be ethical and positive, and use decent language with no spelling or grammatical mistakes. 
  4. Subscribe to your own blog. 
  5. Include a contact link button or page.
  6. Post views to your blog and replies to comments regularly. 
  7. Comment on others’ blogs and stay active in the community.
Some Don’ts while Blogging:
  1. Blog on non-informational or irrelevant topics.
  2. Post views on multiple topics in the same blog.
  3. Do not repeat the same information or paragraphs which is available all across the web. 
  4. Do not copy opinions, paragraphs from other blog sites.
  5. Do not put abusive or offensive content or do not spread rumors and non-authorized information.
  6. Do not forget to advertise your social media through blogs.
  7. Do not put many advertisements on your blog, or it would be difficult for a viewer to read.
  8. Do not write aimlessly, just for posting sake. Post something informative.

We hope you get enough information about Blogging and it will benefit Beginners. Do comment and share your views / provide feedback about the Article.