
What’s new in PHP 8.1.11?

There is constant work done on PHP, and the most recent minor release (8.0) has several excellent bug fixes. Denial of service with a file

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Tips to Write Amazing PHP Code

Here are some tips I can provide you to help you become a better programmer and write more robust code. Are you interested in a


Why Is the PHP a Messy Language

The flaw of today is far more severe than those of the past. The transition from a scripting language to that an enterprise language is

PHP Programming Language

Is PHP a Scripting or a Programming Language?

When it comes to programming, there are two main broad categories of languages. We have programming language and scripting language. The two types are different

System software vs application software

Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2019

Programming languages keep evolving. New languages keep coming up while others are phased out with time. However, there are some languages that are not going

codegym games

10 Easy Programming Languages for Beginners in 2023

Programming is a way of communicating with computer systems to perform various computational tasks. Hence, it is the most important topic for any aspiring computer science student

Hardest programming languages

Top 5 World’s Most Hated Programming Languages

Recently, StackOverflow released a report stating the most liked and disliked programming languages. We’ve discussed a lot about popular programming languages; let’s talk about the