upcoming whatsapp features

How does WhatsApp work?

WhatsApp is a messenger that aims to replicate the SMS experience, but avoid the expense of SMS. Part of what makes SMS popular is that


Chris Putnam: The First Facebook Hacker

For even just once in your entire usage of the Facebook chat application, have you ever seen anyone of your friends display a face of


African Inventor Makes 3D printer from E-waste

West African inventor Kodjo Afate Gnikou made a $100 3-D printer from leftover parts scavenged from old scanners, computers and printers. The circle of electronic


Spy Agencies Have Banned Lenovo Computers

Lenovo is either the world’s biggest or second-biggest PC manufacturer, depending on who you ask (the other potential is HP), and certainly one of the


Printed Eye Cells Could Help Treat Blindness

The ability to print retinal cells could lead to new therapies for retinal disorders such as macular degeneration. Ink-jet printing technology could be a way

10 Incredible Scientific Inventions

Scientists are like the average male; they like tinkering with things. While the average male likes tinkering with himself, scientists like tinkering with DNA, matter

touch picotable

Turn any Wall As a Touchscreen

Pico-projectors sound like an absolute dream for anyone who has to travel with a standard projector in tow. Being able to attach a small device

Black Hole – NASA researchs

What is a BLACK HOLE? Simply, a black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even traps light. The gravity