Facebook newsfeed Got down 27 April

Facebook newsfeed down

Several users including Technotification editors are experiencing issues with their Facebook Newsfeeds as of today, Sunday 27th of April. When I checked my Newfeed today morning, the first four updates are blank in PC as seen in the below screenshot and it was showing nothing on Mobile (Above screenshot).

Facebook newsfeed down

Several users in Sweden, Philipines, Malaysia, india are reporting trouble accessing their Newsfeeds on isitdownrightnow, a website that monitors the service status of several online services.

Similarly, a couple of people are confirming the service interruption on Twitter.
this page is captured from twitter ..

Please note that this is a developing story. check this page after some time to get latest update

UPDATE: NOw it seems the problem has been solved

stay tune .. for update what was the reason behind this

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